10th June - Phase 3

18th May - Phase 2

8th May 2020

National Principles for Sport and Recreational Activities

On the 1st of May [2020], the National Cabinet met to consider the resumption of sport and recreation activities.

The National Cabinet has formally recognised that sport and recreation bring significant health, social, economic and cultural benefits to our country and that these benefits will be essential as Western Australia begins returning to normality post-COVID.

A Framework for Rebooting Sport in a COVID-19 Environment was developed by the Australian Institute of Sport, to provide a guide to the staged resumption of sport and recreation in Australia. Additionally, to answer FAQs around the current restrictions in place in Western Australia, please read the Community Sport and Active Recreation COVID-19 fact sheet:

16th March 2020

The environment in respect to the virus is changing daily and Water Polo WA are constantly monitoring advice from the government and other regulators to receive up to date, factual information to assess the continuance of our programs. Notice of any changes to programs will be delivered via email, social media and the Latest News section of WPWA website. We also need to carry out the restrictions and advise from playing venues.

As the health and wellbeing of all our contributors and stakeholders is our priority, please take note of the following:
If attending events, please adhere to the following guidelines:

Do not attend if you are unwell, no matter how minor.

Restrict the number of family members that attend the event if possible.

If you have returned from international travel do not attend a game within 14 days of return. 

If you have been in close contact with someone who is confirmed to have COVID – 19, do not attend.

Team Managers – This may have an effect on the number of players that can attend. Please keep your club updated in this regard so they can notify Water Polo WA. At the venue, please convey the following to your teams:

  • No sharing drink bottles
  • No shaking hands after the game
  • Mouthguards – wash and pack away after the game
  • Use common sense

The venues are also applying guidelines, so please check their websites regularly:

HBF Stadium
Beatty Park

13th March 2020

Government warnings and recommendations are frequently changing about the COVID19 pandemic and it is paramount to keep up to date with information. Nevertheless, there is an abundance of information circulated around by speculative and sensational journalism, so it is important that we refer to accurate and reliable sources regarding the virus.

In order to minimise the “myths” surrounding COVID19, WPWAI refers to the website of the Department of Health in WA which brings together key information from trusted sources, and is continually reviewed and updated.

According to the recommendations of the Department, the best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is by practising good hand hygiene and sneeze/cough etiquette which includes:

  • frequently washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, or using an alcohol-based hand gel
  • refraining from touching mouth and nose
  • if coughing or sneezing, covering your nose and mouth with paper tissue or flexed elbow – dispose of the tissue immediately after use and perform hand hygiene
  • avoiding close contact with anyone if you, or they, have cold or flu-like symptoms (maintain a distance of at least 1 metre).

Additionally, please ensure you exercise appropriate measures to manage your own health and wellbeing and that of your family members, particularly those who may be in the high-risk category.  While it is widely acknowledged that the risk of infection in the normal healthy population is very low, all of us interact in different ways with a broader cross-section of people in our every day lives.

In line with this, if you are unwell, have recently returned from overseas or if you are in the high-risk bracket, please refrain from attending venues.