Water Polo Western Australia Incorporated
Call for Nominations for Elected Board Directors
Several Positions available
Notice is hereby given to all members of the
2023 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Water Polo WA to be held on
Sunday 22 October 2023 from 10:00am
at Royal Life Saving WA, 12 McGillivray Road, Mount Claremont (Training Rooms, next to Water Polo WA Office).
In addition, this notice carries an intention to propose a special resolution under rule 19.1 of the Water Polo WA constitution to alter the rules of the Association at the above noted AGM. The purpose of the alteration is to ensure the Water Polo WA constitution complies with the requirements of Associations Incorporation Act 2015. A copy of the draft constitution is included for review. For your convenience, a comparison document has also been prepared to highlight the differences between the existing Constitution and the proposed Constitution.
In accordance with s24 of the Act, the resolution will be passed in accordance with rule 19.1 (h):
there is a quorum and be supported by the votes of not less than three fourths of the Members present, in person or by proxy, and eligible to cast a vote at the meeting.
Member Clubs/Associations please note that compliance with the 2023-2024 season affiliation conditions must be met to be eligible to vote – refer to the email sent on 1 September 2023, subject WPWA Rollover Complete.
In preparation for the AGM, Water Polo Western Australia Incorporated (WPWAI) is calling for nominations from Club/Association member individuals to make a contribution to the growth and success of the organisation by joining the WPWAI Board as an Elected Director for a minimum of two (2) years. The Board is seeking up to four (4) and no less than two (2) Directors for 2023.
WPWAI is the governing, not-for-profit, state body supporting and furthering the sport of Water Polo in Western Australia; from grass roots to high performance programs.
Nominations are sought from skilled individuals who have an enthusiasm for the sport with a combination of the following:
- Director Experience and/or Corporate Governance
- Strategic Expertise
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Innovation and Implementing Change
- Technology
- Legal Qualifications
- Australian Sporting System
The Board has identified through its skills analysis the following skills and experience as priority needs of WPWAI in 2023:
- Accounting and Finance
- Risk Management
- Marketing and Communications for member based organisations
- Complete the EOI Nomination Form according to the instructions on it.
- Submit your CV which should not exceed 2 x A4 pages using size 10 font as a minimum.
- Send your completed Nomination Form (1) and CV (2) to the General Manager of WPWAI at generalmanager@waterpolowa.asn.au and by 5:00pm on Friday 6 October 2023.
Expressions of interest must be received by 5:00pm on Friday 6 October 2023.
AGM Notice, Agenda and Timeline can be found in the attached copy of notice sent Member Clubs/Associations on 23 September 2023.